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There are Still Products on the Market Containing Asbestos

by jengland | January 11th, 2018

It has been common knowledge for years now that asbestos can directly cause numerous cancers, such as cancers of the lung, larynx, and ovaries, as well as mesothelioma. Because of that, it’s easy to assume that the substance is banned and not allowed for any type of use in the United States. Well, think again. Believe it or not, there are actually many products on the market that still contain asbestos. While the use of asbestos is restricted, the U.S. is actually one of just a few developed nations that has not completely banned asbestos.

It is actually legal in the U.S. to include asbestos in products as long as the product doesn’t have more than one percent asbestos. These products are bought and sold every single day in the United States. And because no amount of asbestos exposure is safe, it’s critical to know what these specific products are.

Vehicle Parts

Many products that are required for cars, trucks, motorcycles and other motor vehicles contain asbestos. That includes brake pads, gaskets, pipes, and clutches. That’s why mechanics are one of the many occupations at risk of developing mesothelioma or lung cancer.

Fire Safety Products

Fire safety products are obviously made to keep us safe, therefore, it’s critical to have them on hand and utilize these products in the event of a fire emergency. Yet many of these fire safety products actually contain asbestos fibers.

Asbestos fibers are soft and flexible and are naturally resistant to heat, so they are very effective in products like fire blankets, fire curtains, and spray-on fireproof coatings. Because of that, it’s important to be very careful in selecting these type of products and only use them when it’s really necessary.

Lab Equipment

Related to the above fire safety products is laboratory equipment. Fire safety is obviously important in labs, as it may be required to wear fireproof gloves or jackets for various experiments. Sometimes even tabletops in science labs can contain asbestos. So the same potential problem with fire safety products happens here. Thus, be mindful when using any equipment in a lab—or even cleaning it.

Talcum Powder

For years it has been common for many people—especially women—to use talcum powder for general hygiene. Talcum powder has also been commonly used in many makeup products (mainly because it’s good at absorbing moisture). Talc, however, is naturally exposed to asbestos, contaminating it completely. In the past couple of years, there have actually been companies forced to recall products because of asbestos contamination due to the talc in its products: the trendy tween store Justice recalled some of its makeup, as did the jewelry store Claire’s.

Building Materials

One industry that has been known to be affected by asbestos is the construction industry. Many homes and buildings built before 1980 have asbestos in products like the insulation, flooring, paint, and plaster. Because of that, it’s critical to be careful when doing renovation or demolition work. Specific safety gear like masks with filters is required when working on structures that contain any products containing asbestos.

Lawn Care Products

Fertilizers and potting soils contain many products, one of which is vermiculite, a mineral that usually contains asbestos fibers. So if you ever get hands-on in the yard or garden, use caution. When using any type of fertilizer products be sure to wear gloves and a mask so that you don’t inhale any dust or have asbestos-contaminated products get on your skin.

The Take-Away

It has taken decades for research to show the hazards of asbestos. Many efforts have been made to eliminate the danger from our everyday lives, but the danger is still very real. People develop mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancers every single day. If you believe you are being exposed to asbestos in your home, place of work, a product, or anywhere else, take the appropriate action and call an asbestos contractor for help.

They can answer any questions about asbestos contamination and even help remove and clean up the contaminated items. To find one, contact your state or local health department. And if you have developed an asbestos-related disease or cancer, give us a call today. We can talk you through your legal rights and help you find out if you are eligible for monetary compensation.


If you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using talcum baby powder, you may qualify for compensation. Contact our experienced talc powder advocates to get the help you deserve.

We know how difficult struggling with a cancer diagnosis can be. Insurance companies, expensive medical costs, and taking time off from work can add to the strain. We believe that your total focus and attention should be on your recovery alone. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible care and compensation for your injuries.

Don’t wait to reach out – call (877) 564-0000 or fill out an online consultation form today. The compassionate advocates at Ovarian Cancer Support are ready to fight for you.

Johnson & Johnson Takes Third Loss in Latest Ovarian Cancer Trial

by jengland | October 27th, 2016

Johnson & Johnson has now lost three court cases in a row regarding its talcum powder products and their link to ovarian cancer. Today a St. Louis jury awarded $70 million to 63-year-old Deborah Giannecchini, who claims her ovarian cancer was caused by her use of Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder.

Giannecchini used the talc-based product for 40 years—until she was diagnosed.

In a 9-3 vote, the jury awarded $65 million for damages and $2.475 for compensation. Co-defendant Imerys Talc, the pharmaceutical company’s talc producer, was also found guilty and ordered to pay $2.5 million in damages.

“I’ve waited for a long time for this,” Giannecchini told Bloomberg. “I’ve wanted this so badly.”

Giannecchini’s ovarian cancer is at Stage IV, and doctors have given her an 80 percent chance of dying in the next two years.

According to Bloomberg, jurors in the case believed that Johnson & Johnson should have included warning labels on its talc products.

“It seemed like Johnson & Johnson didn’t pay attention,” juror Billie Ray told Bloomberg. “It seemed like they didn’t care.”

The previous two trials Johnson & Johnson lost had verdicts of $72 million and $55 million. This third trial loss results in the healthcare company now being ordered to pay approximately $200 million to plaintiffs thus far.


If you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using talcum baby powder, you may qualify for compensation. Contact our experienced talc powder advocates to get the help you deserve.

We know how difficult struggling with a cancer diagnosis can be. Insurance companies, expensive medical costs, and taking time off from work can add to the strain. We believe that your total focus and attention should be on your recovery alone. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible care and compensation for your injuries.

Don’t wait to reach out – call (877) 564-0000 or fill out an online consultation form today. The compassionate advocates at Ovarian Cancer Support are ready to fight for you.

Pharmaceutical Giant Receives Second Loss in One Week

by jengland | May 3rd, 2016

Johnson & Johnson received its second straight trial loss this week as jurors once again found the company liable for a woman who used the company’s baby powder for decades and developed ovarian cancer. After the three-week trial in a Missouri court, the pharmaceutical company was ordered to pay Sioux Falls resident Gloria Ristesund $55 million.

Jurors deliberated for one day before returning with the verdict in favor of Ristesund, who was awarded $5 million in compensatory damages and $50 million in punitive damages.

During the trial, Ristesund claimed she used the company’s baby powder and Shower-to-Shower body powder on her genitals for 40 years. In her late 50s, she was diagnosed with Stage I ovarian cancer and had to undergo a hysterectomy. Her pathologist also informed her that talcum powder was found in her ovaries. Currently, her cancer is in remission.

Ristesund’s case echoed the same claims as many women around the country who are also suing Johnson & Johnson for: being diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson’s talcum powder for feminine hygiene needs for decades. The lawsuit claimed that Johnson & Johnson did know about the dangers of its talc-based products and their link to cancer.

During the trial, Ristesund’s legal team revealed an internal memo from Johnson & Johnson stating that not only did the company know about the risk of its talc products over 20 years, but they also tried to influence regulatory boards.

This verdict comes after a jury already ordered the healthcare company to pay $72 million to the family of a woman who died from ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson products for decades. Johnson & Johnson currently faces approximately 1,200 lawsuits, all accusing the company of failing to warn consumers about the risk of its talc-based products and the link to ovarian cancer.


If you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using talcum baby powder, you may qualify for compensation. Contact our experienced talc powder advocates to get the help you deserve.

We know how difficult struggling with a cancer diagnosis can be. Insurance companies, expensive medical costs, and taking time off from work can add to the strain. We believe that your total focus and attention should be on your recovery alone. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible care and compensation for your injuries.

Don’t wait to reach out – call (877) 564-0000 or fill out an online consultation form today. The compassionate advocates at Ovarian Cancer Support are ready to fight for you.

Alabama Woman Gets $72 Million from Johnson & Johnson

by jengland | February 24th, 2016

The first case with monetary compensation against Johnson & Johnson was awarded in a St. Louis, Missouri, courtroom last week. Jacqueline Fox, a resident of Birmingham, Alabama, had already passed away, but her voice spoke volumes in the courtroom.

During a previously recorded audio deposition, Fox accused the Johnson & Johnson talc-based products she had used for 35 years (mainly Shower-to-Shower Body Powder) for her diagnosis of ovarian cancer. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer just over three years ago.

As a result of her case, the jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay Fox’s family $72 million total, $10 million in compensatory damages and $62 million in punitive damages. Fox had also sued Johnson & Johnson’s talc product, Imerys Talc, but the jury did not find them at fault.

The jury was comprised of nine female jurors—all of whom voted in Fox’s favor—and three male jurors, only one of whom sided with Fox, noted the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. According to the Post-Dispatch, 50-year-old juror Jerome Kendrick said he was influenced heavily against Johnson & Johnson after learning about the company’s internal memos that suggested they knew the link between talk and ovarian cancer.

“They tried to cover up and influence the boards that regulate cosmetics,” he said. “They could have had at least put a warning label on the box but they didn’t. They did nothing.”

The Post-Dispatch also noted another company memo that focused on the declining sales of the talc products as more people were learning about the health risks. The document included strategies on how to make African-Americans and Hispanics the biggest users of talcum powder. Fox was African American.

A pathologist brought in discovered that Fox’s ovaries were inflamed because of the talc, and that then morphed into cancer.

Fox’s lawsuit included more than 60 other plaintiffs. In addition, more than 1,200 women across the country are suing Johnson & Johnson for failing to warn consumers about the dangers of talc in the company’s talc-based products.


If you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using talcum baby powder, you may qualify for compensation. Contact our experienced talc powder advocates to get the help you deserve

We know how difficult struggling with a cancer diagnosis can be. Insurance companies, expensive medical costs, and taking time off from work can add to the strain. We believe that your total focus and attention should be on your recovery alone. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible care and compensation for your injuries.

Don’t wait to reach out – call (877) 564-0000 or fill out an online consultation form today. The compassionate advocates at Ovarian Cancer Support are ready to fight for you.

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