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$55 Million Verdict

Pharmaceutical Giant Receives Second Loss in One Week

by jengland | May 3rd, 2016

Johnson & Johnson received its second straight trial loss this week as jurors once again found the company liable for a woman who used the company’s baby powder for decades and developed ovarian cancer. After the three-week trial in a Missouri court, the pharmaceutical company was ordered to pay Sioux Falls resident Gloria Ristesund $55 million.

Jurors deliberated for one day before returning with the verdict in favor of Ristesund, who was awarded $5 million in compensatory damages and $50 million in punitive damages.

During the trial, Ristesund claimed she used the company’s baby powder and Shower-to-Shower body powder on her genitals for 40 years. In her late 50s, she was diagnosed with Stage I ovarian cancer and had to undergo a hysterectomy. Her pathologist also informed her that talcum powder was found in her ovaries. Currently, her cancer is in remission.

Ristesund’s case echoed the same claims as many women around the country who are also suing Johnson & Johnson for: being diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson’s talcum powder for feminine hygiene needs for decades. The lawsuit claimed that Johnson & Johnson did know about the dangers of its talc-based products and their link to cancer.

During the trial, Ristesund’s legal team revealed an internal memo from Johnson & Johnson stating that not only did the company know about the risk of its talc products over 20 years, but they also tried to influence regulatory boards.

This verdict comes after a jury already ordered the healthcare company to pay $72 million to the family of a woman who died from ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson products for decades. Johnson & Johnson currently faces approximately 1,200 lawsuits, all accusing the company of failing to warn consumers about the risk of its talc-based products and the link to ovarian cancer.


If you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using talcum baby powder, you may qualify for compensation. Contact our experienced talc powder advocates to get the help you deserve.

We know how difficult struggling with a cancer diagnosis can be. Insurance companies, expensive medical costs, and taking time off from work can add to the strain. We believe that your total focus and attention should be on your recovery alone. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible care and compensation for your injuries.

Don’t wait to reach out – call (877) 564-0000 or fill out an online consultation form today. The compassionate advocates at Ovarian Cancer Support are ready to fight for you.

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